From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

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Simplify the use of special characters and symbols

Simplify the use of special characters and symbols - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

Simplify the use of special characters and symbols

- [Instructor] In this worksheet, 2 we're seeing some special characters and also some symbols. 3 In column A, rows 8, 9, and 10, 4 we've got some special characters, 5 and we can actually insert these by typing. 6 We also have a symbol, a check mark, down at cell A11, 7 also up in cell D1, another symbol, which we can insert. 8 Lets first of all point to cell A8. 9 It's the copyright symbol. 10 This entry and the two below it 11 can be entered with parentheses, 12 simply a left paren, the letter C, right parenthesis, 13 enter, like that. 14 And we can do this with text too. 15 Here's the registered symbol. 16 Maybe I want to put in Excel this way. 17 Then I want that R that follows it. 18 Left parenthesis, R, right parenthesis. 19 I could put in other texts later, 20 I may put into space or simply enter. 21 And the same thing would happen with TM. 22 It doesn't have to be uppercase as you type it. 23 But we can't…
