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Retrieve vital data based on location using the Geography tool

Retrieve vital data based on location using the Geography tool - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

Retrieve vital data based on location using the Geography tool

- [Instructor] If you work with city, 2 state, or country data, 3 you can pull in related information 4 to those kinds of entries 5 by way of a relatively new feature in Excel. 6 It's called Geography. 7 It's on the Data tab. 8 "Convert the selected cells to retrieve information 9 from these various kinds of entries." 10 In column A, 11 kind of a scattered list of different towns 12 and cities within the United States. 13 Notice that city comma space and then state indicator. 14 Let's use the geography button here and see what happens. 15 All the state abbreviations have disappeared. 16 The one for DC actually is turned into D.C. oddly enough. 17 But more important than that is the icon 18 that appears to the left 19 and the fact these cells are now different. 20 If I write a formula in cell B1 21 to refer to the data in A1, 22 watch what happens when I click cell A1. 23 A list of potential bits of information…
