From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

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Replace characters by position with the REPLACE function

Replace characters by position with the REPLACE function - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

Replace characters by position with the REPLACE function

- [Voiceover] Excel has two functions that are very similar. One is called replace, another is called substitute. And there's also a command called replace that can get a little confusing because the replace command is very similar to the substitute function, it's not similar to the replace function. Start with the idea the substitute function, similar to the replace command, it's based on content. So, got a list of code numbers here and we want to remove all dashes. We can use the function called substitute, but it's gonna be simpler and faster to simply use the replace command. From the home tab, far button, the magnifying glass, find and select, replace, pull it down here, we want to replace what? The dash with what? Nothing, replace all of them and replace tells us we made eight replacements. So the dashes are gone from those entries right there, OK. We don't need to use the substitute function. Similarly here…
