From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

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Parsing your data to create unique lists

Parsing your data to create unique lists - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

Parsing your data to create unique lists

- [Instructor] Sometimes it's necessary to create 2 a unique list based on a series of repeating entries. 3 I've got a list here, over 700 names 4 of various employees within a large company. 5 We've got departments listed in column C. 6 I don't have a list of all the different departments here. 7 This list is not sorted by column C, nor does it need to be. 8 There are two major ways to create a unique list, 9 and although not obvious, they're both relatively simple. 10 In this list here, 11 I've got continuous data all the way down to the bottom. 12 I'll double click the bottom edge of the cell simply 13 to point out how far this goes down, row 742. 14 I'd like to have a unique list of departments 15 perhaps on the same worksheet, maybe off to the right there 16 in column M, something like that. 17 So I'm going to select column C, 18 and then on the data tab in the ribbon, 19 choose the advanced filter. 20 Now, if…
