From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

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Locate formula dependencies via keystroke shortcuts and the Trace Dependents command

Locate formula dependencies via keystroke shortcuts and the Trace Dependents command - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

Locate formula dependencies via keystroke shortcuts and the Trace Dependents command

- [Narrator] What we're seeing on the screen here 2 is an image of a worksheet where we're trying 3 to check the dependencies of a cell. 4 In other words, if one cell changes, 5 what impact does it have on other cells? 6 If this is a feature that you're trying manually, 7 invariably, particularly on more complex worksheets, 8 it's going to take you forever. 9 This is a busy screen and we're going to show you 10 how you can do this with actual data. 11 The next worksheet over has the actual data 12 that we want to work with, 13 and we've also got some keystroke shortcuts. 14 We're going to show you how to work with this feature, 15 not only by way of those keystroke shortcuts, 16 but also by way of commands. 17 This is a worksheet that hasn't been completed. 18 Imagine someone has worked on it 19 and had to move on, left the organization. 20 You're trying to figure out what's going on. 21 Maybe you've worked with it…
