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Keyboard, mouse, and command techniques for viewing worksheets

Keyboard, mouse, and command techniques for viewing worksheets - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

Keyboard, mouse, and command techniques for viewing worksheets

- [Instructor] Excel has a number of different approaches 2 to zooming in and zooming out on data, 3 and also some techniques for seeing more information 4 without actually shrinking it. 5 So on this worksheet here, I haven't seen it in a while, 6 imagine that scenario, 7 and I want to see what else is on the worksheet. 8 I think there's some data off to the right. 9 I can use that zoom box in the lower right hand corner, 10 it's a rectangular black box. 11 As I drag it to the left, 12 we're seeing more data. 13 The percent number to the right keeps shrinking 14 as we do this. 15 As I drag it rightward, percent gets larger. 16 We're seeing less data, 17 but could say we're seeing it better. 18 An unintended side effect, 19 and this happens from time to time, 20 in columns with numerical information, 21 you will sometimes see those pound signs, 22 those hashtags like we're seeing here in column D. 23 We could…
