From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

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Insert colorful images with the People Graph Add-in

Insert colorful images with the People Graph Add-in - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

Insert colorful images with the People Graph Add-in

- [Instructor] What we're seeing on the screen here is a relatively new feature. It's an add-in called People Graph, and it's well outside the scope of the capability of a typical Excel chart. This is a little different. It's called an add-in, and so, if you want to use this feature, you'll need to have the Office 365 version of Excel, and when you got the Insert tab and go to My Add-ins, you probably will not see it at least initially. So, you will see other options here for adding this feature called People Graph. I've added it here. I've got an existing People Graph chart right here. I'm going to click on this border and actually get rid of it, but we're about to see how we can create one of these People Graph charts and associate it with the data like is being done here. So, I'll simply delete this and essentially start over. And we don't highlight the data first as we do with charts. We simply go to that Insert tab…
