From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

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How to create frequency tabulations and distributions

How to create frequency tabulations and distributions - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

How to create frequency tabulations and distributions

- [Instructor] I've got a list here 2 in columns A, B, and C. 3 It goes down to almost 1,000 rows. 4 I'll click one of the cells here, 5 double click the bottom edge. 6 Goes down to row 998, 7 and we see state names in here, and they're repeating. 8 We want to know, for example, 9 how often Illinois appears in the list. 10 We eventually might want to know the sales for Illinois. 11 This covers dates throughout the year 2016. 12 Let's begin by simply creating a unique list 13 based on the data in column A. 14 And there are two major ways to approach this. 15 One of these is by way of the data tab 16 in the ribbon menu system. 17 Choose advanced. 18 Now Excel usually if you've got the data highlighted, 19 picks up the appropriate range. 20 Make sure this is correct. 21 It is. 22 We want to use this advanced filter 23 to copy results to another location. 24 And I'm selecting cell E1. 25 I want the data to go…
