From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

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Freezing column and row titles

Freezing column and row titles - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

Freezing column and row titles

- [Instructor] With certain worksheets, 2 it's going to be really handy 3 if you can always see row one, the title row. 4 If we're looking at this data 5 and we're not too familiar with it, we start to scroll down, 6 we're missing row one, we forget what each column has in it. 7 Some are fairly obvious, some are not. 8 So we scroll back up to make that visible. 9 There is a feature that allows us 10 to see row one all the time, 11 and it isn't always just row one, 12 although many times it would be. 13 Make sure you're seeing row one, 14 and then in the ribbon menu system, go to the View tab, 15 and the choice we're talking about is called Freeze Panes. 16 Freeze a portion of the sheet to keep it visible 17 while you scroll through the rest of the sheet. 18 Click the option, three choices. 19 If we simply want to freeze the top row, 20 and it certainly at the moment is visible, freeze it. 21 And the only difference…
