From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

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Extract day, month, and year from date fields

Extract day, month, and year from date fields - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

Extract day, month, and year from date fields

- [Instructor] Excel has a number of different functions 2 related to working with dates 3 as well as working with times, 4 and in this worksheet we might want to focus on 5 some of the sales data for a given year. 6 It might be two or three different years listed here, 7 or a different month or maybe even day of the month 8 or how about quarter? 9 We've got a Date column, 10 but it doesn't always give us everything we want. 11 We've got a filtering capability that could help, 12 but let's use some of the functions 13 that actually allow us to extract, for example, 14 the year from a date. 15 In cell F2, equal year, left parenthesis, 16 here's the cell in question, 17 and you guessed it, it's 2017, no surprises there. 18 Double click, we'll copy this down the column. 19 Works just fine 20 and you can almost guess what this is going to be. 21 What's the month? 22 Now the answers here can only be 23 the numbers…
