From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

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Differences and limitations of converting data to a table

Differences and limitations of converting data to a table - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

Differences and limitations of converting data to a table

- [Instructor] If you convert a list of data into a table, 2 you gain some formatting and data handling features. 3 I've got two different worksheets on this workbook 4 that are identical except for the name. 5 I'm going to convert one of them into a table. 6 Ahead of time I would have checked out the data 7 to make sure there are no empty rows 8 or columns within this list, and I'll simply press Ctrl + T 9 and Excel figures out the extent of the data. 10 I'll click OK and it certainly has a different look. 11 Notice that there's a contextual design tab 12 that appears above. 13 Click outside the table, it disappears. 14 Now for the most part, 15 this feature is considered a valuable tool 16 because notice as I scroll here, row one becomes the heading 17 and that every other row look is easier to read. 18 And we can also have some other formatting exploration 19 to do up above in the design tab here, 20 under Table…
