From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

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Creating mixed reference formulas; converting to a table; applying conditional formatting

Creating mixed reference formulas; converting to a table; applying conditional formatting - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

Creating mixed reference formulas; converting to a table; applying conditional formatting

- [Instructor] When writing certain kinds 2 of formulas in Excel, 3 you may need to use what's called a mixed address, 4 sometimes called a mixed reference. 5 We're going to build a multiplication table 6 in this worksheet. 7 I want a 20 by 20 grid. 8 So starting in cell A2, I'm going to put in the number 1 9 and then point to that fill hand 10 on the lower-right-hand corner, 11 hold down the Control key, 12 and drag that fill handle downward to row 21. 13 If you're holding down Control and you drag an entry, 14 Excel will automatically increment it by one, 15 provided you let go of the mouse first, as I just did. 16 I can do the same thing across starting in B1, 17 but I could also copy this and transpose it. 18 So I'll press Control + C and go to cell B1 19 and activate paste special 20 and the keystroke shortcut Control + Alt + V. 21 Remember, Control + V is paste, 22 Control + Alt + V is paste special, 23…
