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Create an expanded list from a summary using PivotTable techniques

Create an expanded list from a summary using PivotTable techniques - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

Create an expanded list from a summary using PivotTable techniques

- [Instructor] On this worksheet, 2 we're seeing a list in columns A through M 3 for every state across 12 months, 4 we've got a lot of data here. 5 And these represent sales figures, 6 although we don't see a label for it. 7 But what if we've also discovered 8 that we've got some expense numbers 9 that go along with these. 10 We also might want to track additional information 11 for each state and each month. 12 So, off to the right is a list that we'd really like to see. 13 Now, this was prepared ahead of time, 14 but the question is how can you take a list like this? 15 It looks like it might have come out of a PivotTable, 16 we're not sure. 17 That's valuable information, but it's just about sales. 18 And what we would like to do 19 is to regenerate this data somehow, 20 get it looking like this. 21 Now, when I go highlight these cells over here, 22 a lot of you know that when you start highlighting, 23…
