From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

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Column widths, row heights, merging cells, and related formatting issues

Column widths, row heights, merging cells, and related formatting issues - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

Column widths, row heights, merging cells, and related formatting issues

- [Instructor] In Excel, when you work with column widths 2 and row heights, many times you don't have to use 3 the standard Excel menu. 4 On this workbook, it's called 191-Column Widths. 5 We've got one worksheet that's got some data in it 6 and I want to readjust the columns. 7 A lot of people adjust columns 8 by dragging column boundaries, and nothing wrong with that. 9 I can point to the bound between columns G and H, 10 between the letters, drag it wider, make it narrower. 11 But many times you don't even have to do that. 12 And most of the time, even though you do see 13 numbers popping up, 8.54, 120 pixels, 14 most of the time, most of us don't care. 15 But there are a couple things we do want to do 16 and we can do them more efficiently 17 than you might be doing them. 18 For example, the data for January through June here 19 looks like, based on the numbers, 20 they're all going to be the same width. 21…
