From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

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Calculate dates and/or days of the week for selected future holidays

Calculate dates and/or days of the week for selected future holidays - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

Calculate dates and/or days of the week for selected future holidays

- [Instructor] Excel has about or 20 different date functions. And a lot of them can come in handy in a variety of different situations. Sometimes you might need to rely upon two functions I've listed over in column A, date, weekday, and when we are working with holidays, sometimes we want to know for certain holidays, maybe day of the week, like fourth of July, Christmas, New Years. Those are unspecific dates and sometimes we want to know the day of the week. On the other hand, certain other holidays, we see that list over in column A, some of those are always on the same day of the week. Labor day is always a Monday, Thanksgiving is always a Thursday and so on. So how might we approach this? If you want to know the weekday for any given date, you don't even have to use the weekday function. So for example, if I'm interested in Christmas of the year 2021, I might just type in 12 slash 25 slash I'll press Ctrl + Enter…
