From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

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Avoiding common chart distortions

Avoiding common chart distortions - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

Avoiding common chart distortions

- [Instructor] When you work with Excel charts, 2 there are lots of opportunities 3 for creating attractive visuals to accompany your data. 4 You can, however, create distortions 5 and sometimes those distortions 6 could even be called enhancements. 7 Sometimes you'll do these by mistake, 8 at other times it might be intended. 9 We've got different sets of data on the screen here. 10 Let's first talk about the data in rows 1 and 2. 11 We want to create a simple little 12 column chart that shows this data. 13 Because it's surrounded by empty cells, 14 we can just click within that data, 15 and a very fast way to create a chart is to press Alt + F1. 16 And that is Excel's default chart style, 17 it's a clustered column chart. 18 I think these tend to look better 19 when the columns are wider. 20 Same thing would be true, by the way, if we had a bar chart, 21 we could make the bars taller simply by double clicking, 22…
