From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

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Learn about the new Office Theme, the default Aptos Font and new colors in M365 apps

Learn about the new Office Theme, the default Aptos Font and new colors in M365 apps - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

Learn about the new Office Theme, the default Aptos Font and new colors in M365 apps

- [Instructor] In September of 2023, Microsoft updated what we call "office themes," and you'll see some information on the screen here. Also, some images downloaded from various websites about the new office theme. It includes a new font called Aptos, a new color palette. We'll take a look at some of these features on different worksheets. If you have the latest version of Microsoft 365, this feature will have been updated and perhaps you might not even have recognized that it occurred. Eventually, all users of Microsoft Excel will have these themes available. If you have an older version, you will not be seeing some of the features that we're showing you. What does a theme change really mean? I'm going to click on the second worksheet here called Theme Changes. And this is a hodgepodge of different Excel elements, here. We've got a chart off to the right, some images, conditional formatting is in place, here.…
