From the course: Excel Essential Training (Microsoft 365)

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XLOOKUP and lookup functions

XLOOKUP and lookup functions

- [Instructor] Excel has over 500 functions. And if you've been following this course movie by movie, what you're about to see right now would be a huge leap. And I'm doing this for informational purposes to point out that among those many functions, a widely used category of functions is what we call a lookup function. You might have heard about a function called VLOOKUP. In recent years, it was the third-most frequently used function according to Microsoft. It has a companion called HLOOKUP. A new function introduced just two years ago and ultimately it is available to all Excel versions is called XLOOKUP. And just a quick look at this gives you some insight into the capability of functions in Excel. Imagine a scenario where we've got a huge list over in columns A, B, C, and D. And for whatever reason, we've got another list here and we need to pull out the employee names based on these ID numbers. Now, how long…
