From the course: Excel Essential Training (Microsoft 365)

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Use Excel Help

Use Excel Help

- [Instructor] In Excel, there are numerous examples of help features. If we simply, on the Home tab, for example, slide over a button that we don't know what it means, we get a description of it. And that option on this example here for fill color, tell me more. And on the right-hand side, we get a description of that particular feature and scroll. And sometimes, it's quite lengthy, as this one is. Often at the bottom, you'll see reference to other features that might be related to it, and also some feedback information. If this is taking up too much space, we can close it with that X in the upper-right. And many times as we slide over a button, we'll see its keystroke shortcut. For example, U, control + U. That's certainly handy. We also have the ability at different times, say on a different worksheet here at the bottom, I'm going to click on the word Profits here. I've got a cell highlighted here. What if I press…
