From the course: Excel Essential Training (Microsoft 365)

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Sharing workbooks and tracking changes

Sharing workbooks and tracking changes

- [Instructor] We're looking at a worksheet that's a few hundred rows and I'm about to make some changes in it but others might want to be making some changes here too. And what we'd like to set up is the idea that we can have and want to have different users be able to make changes to this in a simultaneous timeframe. The feature that we want to be using is called Co-authoring although we will not see on the screen that term. In the past and still existing is a feature called Shared Workbook. Co-authoring is designed to replace that feature. We do begin this process though with the word share and increasingly these days it's important to be able to share files. As I slide over share, you see it in the upper right corner of the screen, share this document. And this dialogue box comes up. Where I'm sitting right now, the user of this computer is called Instructor 2 and you'll see the name right there and we'll see…
