From the course: Excel Data Visualization: Mastering 20+ Charts and Graphs

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Stock charts

Stock charts

- [Instructor] Stock charts are a type of chart that serves a very specific purpose, in this case, visualizing stock market data. That can include volume, high, low, open, and closing prices. So, pretty straightforward examples here. You could look at something like Facebook's daily stock performance in 2015 or high, low, and closing prices for Google in Q1. Basically, anything related to a stock's performance can be visualized with a stock chart. So, two pro tips here, this is a good opportunity to manually set your axis minimum and sometimes maximum values to enhance the readability. It will default to minimums of zero, which sometimes creates a chart that's a bit tough to read. Second pro tip, which his one that's really helpful, not just for stock charts, is that you can actually switch your X-axis type from date to text to eliminate gaps when markets are closed. So, by default, you'll see blank spaces on Saturdays and Sundays because there's no market activity. By changing from a…
