From the course: Excel Data Visualization: Mastering 20+ Charts and Graphs

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Creating, modifying, and applying templates

Creating, modifying, and applying templates

- [Lecturer] Okay, the last topic that I want to hit before we go into the actual building of charts is templates. So, as you might imagine, because there are so many different elements that we can tweak and customize and stylize, we may very well come up with a style that we really like, and that we want to apply to a different data series, or a different chart altogether, and that's where templates come into play. So, let's take a look at our combo chart that we've built in this Customizing Charts tab, and the first thing that we need to do with it is eliminate those restrictions that we've set on the y axis, and the reason is that those restrictions will carry through with the template and prevent us from applying it to a data series that might not fall in that same range. So I can just right click, go into Format axis with that primary vertical selected and just reset my minimum bounds, reset my major units, and now Excel with automatically choose what those bounds look like based…
