From the course: Excel Data Visualization: Mastering 20+ Charts and Graphs

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Changing chart types and axis options

Changing chart types and axis options

- [Instructor] Okay, next up, just want to take one minute to talk about changing chart types and adding things like a secondary axis. So right now, I'm plotting total spend and clicks as a clustered column. Both of these are volume metrics. They're both on a similar scale. So it makes sense to compare them on the same axis. But let's say that instead of spend and clicks, I want to visualize spend and cost per click, which is a rate metric that's on a completely different scale. What I can do is right-click my plot area, choose select data, delete or remove that click option, and add a new series. So the name of this series is cost per click, and so F1. And the values are the values in F2 through F13. Hit okay, and in the horizontal axis labels, you can edit those as well, just to make sure that all my series are reading from the same horizontal axis, and then hit okay. As you can see, it's brought the field in, but we can't see it because it's so small compared to total spend, and…
