From the course: Electronics Foundations: Fundamentals

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Solution: Limit current to an LED

Solution: Limit current to an LED

(upbeat bright bouncy music) - Let's take a look at my solution for the challenge to limit current to an LED. Since I was going to be solving for resistance, to use Ohm's law, I needed to know two other values, voltage and current. Looking at the circuit, I knew that the current that flowed through the resistor would be the same current that flowed through the LED. And my goal was to limit that current to only be 15 milliamps. In regards to voltage, I was only interested in knowing the voltage across the resistor, since it would be using Ohm's law to solve for its resistance. I did not use the total of nine volts from the battery when solving for resistance, because that would have included the voltage across both the resistor and the LED. Since the LED is a special type of component that does not follow Ohm's law, trying to include the voltage across it in my equation to solve for resistance using Ohm's law will not…
