From the course: Electronics Foundations: Basic Circuits

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Types of capacitors

Types of capacitors

- Capacitors are manufactured using a wide variety of materials, shapes, and sizes, which provides certain features that make them well-suited for different applications. The two most common types of capacitors that you will encounter are ceramic and electrolytic capacitors. As the name implies ceramic capacitors are made using a ceramic material for their dielectric. They tend to be small both physically. And in terms of capacitance, the through-hole ceramic capacitors I use for breadboarding look like small bulbs with two metal leads. They're usually colored in orangish shade of yellow or red. Ceramic capacitors are also available in tiny surface mount packages to use for printed circuit boards. You can identify them as little yellow or orange boxes, and you can usually find ceramic capacitors with capacitances in the range of a few Picofarads up to around 10 microfarads. Their small capacitance can be limiting for…
