From the course: Drawing Foundations: Figure

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Finding skeletal landmarks: Back view

Finding skeletal landmarks: Back view

From the course: Drawing Foundations: Figure

Finding skeletal landmarks: Back view

- Let's look at the posture of view. When we look at the model, Sarah, we see that her cranium is a nice round shape and the cranium balance is over the center line of the spine. At the top of the spine there's a little bump right here, which is part of the vertebrae of the neck. What we're going to first observe when Sarah leans forward, rolls forward is how the spinal furrow, this sort of deep indentation, changes. So, Sarah's going to slowly drop the weight of her head forward. As she does that, I'm going to point out what's happening. As soon as she does that this little bump right here becomes much more visible. That's the top of the back of the ribcage. As she moves even further coming down you can see how that furrow starts to flatten out and pretty soon you can see little bumps. These are the spinous processes of the spine. This is the spine just poking out, and as she goes a little bit further even these deeply embedded spinal furrow areas starts to come to the surface. These…
