From the course: DevOps Foundations

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Your DevOps SRE toolchain

Your DevOps SRE toolchain

From the course: DevOps Foundations

Your DevOps SRE toolchain

- There are two parts to a site reliability engineering tool chain. - The first part, building for reliability, is hard to give general guidance on. It's going to be very different based on programming language and tech stack, and it's less about tools and more about libraries and development techniques - Right. The important thing to know is that there are books that describe these techniques, tools and libraries like Java's Resilience4j, and dev and ops engineers need to collaborate at design time to determine what kind of built-in resilience approach to use. - The second part to your tool chain, operational feedback, uses a fairly common set of observability and incident response tooling. - Yeah, this is a very rich space with offerings for every kind of monitoring and suites to combine them. - [Presenter in Red] You have SaaS offerings like Datadog, Honeycomb, and SumoLogic. - You have open source tools like Nagios, Grafana, and Prometheus. - And commercial software like…
