From the course: DevOps Foundations

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Your DevOps CI toolchain

Your DevOps CI toolchain

- When selecting tools for CI toolchains, it's tempting to start from the developer and work your way out to the delivered service or software. - In fact, people often refer to a continuous delivery toolchain as a pipeline, because code flows in one end and finished product out the other. That makes sense, but for your continuous delivery toolchain, we're going to encourage you to approach it a little differently, - And it takes different strokes to move the world. - [James] Instead of a left-to-right flow, think of these as layers to an onion. We're going to start at the outer layer and work our way in, because we want to consider the entire toolchain from the perspective of what we want the end state to be. - The outermost layer of the onion is deployment. What does the system you're building look like, and how do you want it to operate? First, how's the software going to be deployed and used by the end user, containers, system images, Windows installers? - [James] Yeah, when you…
