From the course: DevOps Foundations

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Which DevOps tools should I use?

Which DevOps tools should I use?

From the course: DevOps Foundations

Which DevOps tools should I use?

- You may be wondering how we've gotten this far into our course on DevOps without talking about tools. - Kubernetes, Terraform, Ansible, Puppet, Chef, GitHub. - Okay, exactly, exactly. - Jenkins, Docker, Linux, Amazon, Graphite, Artifactory. - Okay, okay, Ernest, take it easy. There's a reason we've held off talking about tools until now. One of the earliest pieces of DevOps Wisdom was coined by Alex Honor, an early DevOps consultant and creator of the Runbook Automation tool, Rundeck. The phrase is this, "People over process over tools." In short, it recommends identifying who is responsible for a job function first, and making sure that they have the skills and support they need. Then, defining the process that needs to happen around them and their work, and then only after all that, selecting and implementing the tools to perform that process, choosing the one that best fits your own needs. - It seems somewhat obvious, but technical workers and sometimes overzealous managers under…
