From the course: DevOps Foundations

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What is infrastructure as code?

What is infrastructure as code?

From the course: DevOps Foundations

What is infrastructure as code?

- Welcome. Now we're going to dig into one of the more technical practices of DevOps, infrastructure as code. - Okay, but what does that mean? Well, when we say infrastructure, we mean the servers and storage and networks and all the things that form the underlying hardware layer of our systems. So back in the day, you installed and configured infrastructure manually. You built a data center, bought and installed servers, loaded an operating system like Windows or Linux on them, added other software and configuration, and finally installed software. - Every system made this way was highly individual, like machine parts before the industrial revolution. Few were actually identical and it took a lot of time and effort to make each one, and then over time as you patch and change them, forget about it, everyone turns into a special snowflake. And this means that system administration was always slow and error prone. I did that job, Unix administration the old way. It was the nineties. I…
