From the course: DevOps Foundations

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What is continuous delivery?

What is continuous delivery?

From the course: DevOps Foundations

What is continuous delivery?

- There are three key stages in software development. The build where you compile and test code and turn it into software, the deploy where you take and run that software and test it, and the release where you send that software to an end user or, more usually nowadays, you deploy it in a production environment where someone else can use it - In the old way of delivering software, the whole application isn't built and run until major milestones are completed. Then there's a very large and complex integration build and a long test phase generating large batches of bug reports long after the code was first written. It's error prone and wasteful. - [Brown Shirt] So instead, what if you build, deploy, and release the application with every change a developer makes? - [Red Shirt] Continuous integration is the practice of automatically building and unit testing the entire application frequently, ideally on every source code check-in so that the application is always in a working state. -…
