From the course: DevOps Foundations

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DevSecOps: Making your systems more secure the DevOps way

DevSecOps: Making your systems more secure the DevOps way

From the course: DevOps Foundations

DevSecOps: Making your systems more secure the DevOps way

- Tell me, was your last interaction with a security or compliance team enjoyable or not so much? A friend and coworker once told me, "You security people just want all the computers unplugged and powered off." I later went to a security event and the keynote speaker was talking about "stupid developers" who don't care about security. There's tension between information and security and other technical teams, but why? Originally, security was the job of system administrators and, to some degree, developers, but as InfoSec became a more complex field, specialization was required. Unfortunately, this created new silos, which spawned the same kind of issues as the walls between dev and ops. Those siloed security teams have different priority teams from the other technical teams, which leads to natural friction. Sometimes their focus is more compliance oriented and can seem like busy work to teams trying to build things for users. This problem gets worse because InfoSec tends to have few…
