From the course: DevOps Foundations

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DevOps process building block: Visible ops change control

DevOps process building block: Visible ops change control

From the course: DevOps Foundations

DevOps process building block: Visible ops change control

- Welcome back to our third and final process building block, change control, the Visible Ops way. Change is the single biggest cause of issues in a technical environment. Services sometimes break all on their own, but 80% of the time, outages are caused by a change someone is making intended to improve, patch, or upgrade a piece of the system that goes wrong. An obvious way to reduce this risk is to have some kind of control over your changes. Review them, test them, and schedule their rollout. This is where IT Service Management or ITSM comes in. ITSM came from the realization that delivering and supporting IT services was as important as developing them. It was introduced back in the 1980's as early IT shops scaled up and realized you needed some kind of process to hold back all the chaos. ITSM is a concept that's been implemented by a number of frameworks, including the Microsoft Operations Framework, COBIT, ISO 20000, and even Six Sigma. But the most popular by far is ITIL, the…
