From the course: DevOps Foundations

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DevOps process building block: Lean

DevOps process building block: Lean

From the course: DevOps Foundations

DevOps process building block: Lean

- Let's talk about the second process building block of DevOps. But wait, does the word process strike fear into your heart? Are you worried that once we have three building blocks worth of process under our belt, you won't be able to get anything done for all the process binding you? Well, luckily, we're going to talk about Lean, and part of its goal is to get rid of all the useless processes. Nice! Lean is a systematic process for eliminating waste. It was originally devised in the manufacturing world by W. Edwards Deming and Taiichi Ohno's Toyota Production System. It revolutionized the Japanese industrial economy after World War II and later made its way back over here to the US. It was quickly applied to product development as well. A popular adaptation of this is found in Eric Ries' book, "Lean Startup." In the book, he proposes the build, measure, learn loop as a variation of the usual Kaizen plan, do, check, act cycle. You focus on delivering a minimum viable product to…
