From the course: DevOps Foundations

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DevOps process building block: Agile

DevOps process building block: Agile

From the course: DevOps Foundations

DevOps process building block: Agile

- Now let's dig into the process side of DevOps. The first process framework that DevOps is rooted in is called Agile. Time for some history. - Okay. Patrick Deis and Andrew Clay Schaeffer were at the Agile 2008 conference in Toronto. When Andrew proposed an open discussion on Agile infrastructure, Patrick was the only person to show up. - After they talked, Andrew presented on Agile infrastructure at the Velocity Conference the very next year. - Then later in 2009, Patrick started a new small conference in his hometown of Int Belgium. He called the conference, DevOps Stays, effectively coining the term "DevOps" and starting the DevOps movement. - You might be familiar with Agile already. The manifesto for Agile software development was written in February of 2001 by a group of software developers, they were dissatisfied with the current state of software development. - [James] Yeah, they felt that the current approach to improving software quality was just layering more and more…
