From the course: DevOps Foundations

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DevOps and your career

DevOps and your career

- As we move into the final part of the course, we want to talk with you about how this plays into your own career. - Remember, properly used DevOps isn't a job title. It's a mindset and a suite of practices to use to make a technology organization get better results. As a result, you don't have to be planning on taking a job that's DevOps specific to benefit from it, - Right, if you're a developer, you can just go be a developer, but with better understanding of how to build reliable applications, structure your build and testing, and ensure it's instrumented for good observability and operation in a production environment. You also understand how to align your efforts along the value stream and keep the three ways of DevOps in mind to get the best results. - If you're a system or IT administrator, you may have had your job renamed to DevOps Engineer Victory, I kid, but while technically there should be just DevOps, QA, security, and other kinds of engineers that are all practicing…
