From the course: DevOps Foundations

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Configuration management: From golden image to foil ball

Configuration management: From golden image to foil ball

From the course: DevOps Foundations

Configuration management: From golden image to foil ball

- Let's take a look at the evolution of DevOps configuration management. In the early days, the dev and ops approaches were very separate. - In the beginning, or at least in the 1990s, commercial IT provisioning tools like Ghost, that allowed simple cloning of systems, were common and large integrated enterprise suites like Tivoli or HP were the enterprise's answer. I was in tech then and those weren't much fun. Respect to the old school. - Okay, well, some infrastructure as code tools for system configuration were developed but they didn't really move into wide use until during most of the 2000s, stuff like CFEngine, Puppet, and Chef, those are the three big ones. The first time Ernest and I ran across one of these was around 2005. Our Unix admin team started using CFEngine to roll out operating system configurations. - Yeah, and they refused to let us use it to roll out our application server configs to the same systems. A little reminder that no amount of tooling will fix a lack of…
