From the course: DevOps Foundations

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Collaboration: Break silos in case of DevOps

Collaboration: Break silos in case of DevOps

From the course: DevOps Foundations

Collaboration: Break silos in case of DevOps

- Collaboration towards a common goal is the secret sauce to making DevOps work. Yet, we've already talked about the wall of confusion that creates a division between groups that should share a common goal. - It's often assumed that these divisions are caused by the stereotype that technology professionals just have poor people skills. While communication is an important part of solving the problem, this overlooks the institutional causes of the wall of confusion. - That's right. The real cause is that the institution is incentivizing opposing behavior. - In the classic shop, the development teams are charged with developing new functionality, making changes, and moving as fast as possible. - At the same time, operations teams are charged with the conflicting responsibilities of maintaining stability and controlling change. Then those teams are given goals and metrics that only care about their individual role, and encourage them to pursue that goal, speed or stability, in this case…
