From the course: Data Science Foundations: Fundamentals

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Bayes' theorem

Bayes' theorem

- [Instructor] Performing is hard. You put it in a lifetime of training, weeks of preparation for an event, and even when you've done the very best, you can never be completely certain that everything is going to work out exactly the way you wanted it to. There's a certain element of luck or probability associated with it. It's the same thing in data science, no matter how big your data set, no matter how sophisticated your analysis and the resources available to your organization, there's still an inescapable element of probability. It's just how it works. And one of the best things you can do is to explicitly incorporate that uncertainty into your data science work to give you more meaningful and more reliable insights. This is Bayes' theorem. And this is one of the keys to incorporating that uncertainty. What Bayes' theory does is it gives you the posterior or after the data probability of a hypothesis as a…
