From the course: Data-Driven Product Research and Design

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Visualizing your roadmap

Visualizing your roadmap

- [Instructor] So far, you've gathered common questions, done a lot of secondary research, and have prepared for building out your road map. I want you to be successful in staying on track, accomplishing your goals, and sharing your vision with your team. Did you know that you can build a road map in your favorite design tool? I'm going to use Figma today to show you how to build out a road map, but you can use a tool of your choice to capture your road map and share it with your team. After you create your road map, you'll want to share it with your team to continue the discussion and get feedback on your plan. For example, some timelines may need to shift due to other priorities or availability of key resources. Okay, let's get started. Now you will start to plan out a three-month quarter. So this is a plan for quarter one of 2024, so we're going to label this January, February, and March. Next, you'll add a calendar to…
