From the course: Customer Service: Working in a Customer Contact Center

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Handling tough customers in your customer service role

Handling tough customers in your customer service role

From the course: Customer Service: Working in a Customer Contact Center

Handling tough customers in your customer service role

- In your role as an agent, you'll inevitably interact with angry customers. You know, that comes with the territory. Their anger could be caused by a process or a product that's gone awry. They may have already had a bad experience as they attempted to get resolution or maybe their anger's misplaced. Your organization hasn't dropped the ball, but for any number of reasons the customer's frustrated or they're confused. And some feel they'll get better service, if they express their unhappiness and warn of consequences. I'm going to take my business elsewhere or I'm going to give you bad reviews. While customers can certainly be angry in any channel, chat, text, email, whatever, I'll focus here on verbal communication and the dialogue taking place, the same core elements apply. First, keep calm, remember the customer's anger's not directed at you. Don't match their tone. be professional and even keeled, and more often…
