From the course: Customer Service Strategy

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Use strategy to guide decisions and direction

Use strategy to guide decisions and direction

From the course: Customer Service Strategy

Use strategy to guide decisions and direction

- How can you use your strategy to guide decisions and direction? Let's explore four best practices. I once visited an insurance company that was struggling with direction and prioritizing a multitude of initiatives, and I encouraged them to get in the habit of using their customer service strategy to help guide decisions. One manager asked, well, do we pull it out and reference it before every meeting? As a matter of fact, yes. For a while anyway, you should begin every planning meeting with a very brief review of your vision and strategy. Now, do you have to review your strategy in every meeting forever? Well, of course not. You know, eventually it becomes so familiar that it becomes inherently helpful in discussions and direction. In the case of this company, the review made it clear their strategy was too cumbersome and detailed. Once they streamlined it, it became much more usable and far more inspiring. Second, consider making your strategy widely available to employees and…
