From the course: Customer Service Strategy

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Harness innovation

Harness innovation

- Where are the opportunities to get even better? How do you keep day-to-day operations, and really every decision, align with your customer service vision? Innovate and align. This final step in the strategic development process is both fun and important. There are two common and effective lenses to use when approaching this step. One is to keep an eye on important metrics. Now, many successful organizations establish an overall key performance indicator, such as Net Promoter Score, which is based on that common survey question, "How likely is it that you'll recommend us to others?" An alternative is Customer Effort Score, which gauges their perception of how easy it is to resolve problems. AI and analytics tools can analyze a wide range of customer conversations and input, and produce customer sentiment scores. And many organizations still use just plain old customer satisfaction scores, which can be just fine if they help you see improvement opportunities. You'll also want insight…
