From the course: Customer Service Strategy

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Build the right skills, knowledge, and leaders

From the course: Customer Service Strategy

Build the right skills, knowledge, and leaders

- The first two steps in developing an effective customer service strategy are to establish a shared vision and shape a supporting customer access strategy. You can then move into the next steps, which I refer to as the big three, people, processes, and technology. I've found that in many cases, those working on strategy will either under or overestimate the level of effort required by the people step. Some assume, well, you just hire the right people and the rest will follow. Others get totally overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of what's required. Recruiting, hiring, training, compensation, organizational structure, to name just a few. So find the middle ground here. Remember, you're developing a customer service strategy that will move you in the right direction, not detailed operational plans. There are five major areas to consider. One is workforce, hiring and development. Hiring the right people gives you a huge headstart in supporting your customer service vision. For example…
