From the course: Customer Service Foundations

Keeping your customers happy

- Customer service is about helping people. You fix problems, bring relief when people are worried, and you make your customers' lives better it's not always easy. Some customers are difficult to serve. You don't always have all the answers, and some problems are outside of your control. As a customer service professional, your organization counts on you to overcome obstacles and find a way to keep your customers happy. Hi, my name is Jeff Toister. I'm the author of "The Service Culture Handbook" and a trainer who helps organizations get their employees obsessed with service. I'd like to share with you some proven techniques for delivering outstanding customer service. The course starts by examining why customer service is so important and how you can benefit from building your skills. From there, you'll be introduced to three fundamental skill sets. The first is creating stronger customer relationships by building rapport. The next skill set is uncovering your customer's needs so you can exceed their expectations. Finally, you'll discover proven ways to solve challenges and defuse customer anger. If you're like me, you'll find that using these skills can make serving customers a little easier and a lot of fun.
