From the course: Customer Service Foundations

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Continuing to build your customer service skills

Continuing to build your customer service skills

From the course: Customer Service Foundations

Continuing to build your customer service skills

- Congratulations on finishing this course. You've gained foundational skills that include recognizing the importance of outstanding customer service, building a rapport, uncovering your customer's needs and solving problems, but this is just the beginning. You can continue building your skills by applying what you've learned when serving your customers. A good starting point is to go back to the learning plan that you created at the beginning of this course. If you haven't already completed it, now is a good time to download the worksheet and fill it out. The second page has space for you to create your personal action plan. Use it to identify your top takeaways from this training. Think about the top three concepts or techniques that resonated most with you. Next, create a list of action items you'd like to complete in the near future. You may want to go back and review the lessons associated with your key takeaways.…
