From the course: Customer Service Foundations

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Actively listening to customers

Actively listening to customers

- Customers are not always great at describing exactly what they need. Some tell rambling stories. Others ask for one thing when they really mean another. A few are confused, hurried, or even frustrated. Understanding your customers' needs requires active listening. This means giving customers your full attention, and purposefully trying to understand them. I'd like to share a few techniques for face to face listening, serving customers over the phone, and helping customers via written communication. Let's start with face to face techniques. Face your customer directly, make eye contact, and block out distractions so you can focus your attention on the person you are serving. Then ask clarifying questions to help you get the information you need to serve your customer. Be sure to paraphrase to avoid misunderstandings. Recap what you heard, and confirm with your customer that you understood them correctly. Another tip is…
