From the course: Creating Your Personal Brand

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Creating your desired brand

Creating your desired brand

- Remember I told you that personal branding was about control? Well, here's how you're going to get that control. I want you to take a few minutes and go with me to a place that might feel a little uncomfortable. I want you to imagine that we're standing at your funeral. Your friends and family are off to one side and they knew you intimately. They knew everything about you, your whole life story. But I want you to think of those of us that are standing on the other side, that worked with you or served with you or were part of a community with you. How do we remember you? What is it about your life that we're recalling at that moment when we're saying our goodbyes? How did you make us feel? Were we happy to know you and are we rejoicing and celebrating your life? Are we walking away asking ourselves, what is it that you stood for? Maybe we don't feel like we knew you. How do you want us to feel at the end of your…
