From the course: Creating Your Personal Brand

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Creating career opportunities

Creating career opportunities

- When you look at your career and where you are right now, can you honestly answer the question of how did you get here? Did you design it or did someone design it for you? I remember talking to one of my clients and asking them that question. And she answered me very candidly and said, "Really I took jobs because somebody thought I would be good at something or offered me more money or more fun and I moved in that direction. I really didn't set out with a strategy." I work with a lot of established and emerging business leaders, entrepreneurs, high-potential employees, job seekers, college students, really anyone who's looking to take more control and intention over their career. It doesn't always mean you're in transition, but what personal branding gives you is the opportunity to take a moment, stop where you are and ask yourself, where do I want to be going forward? So when you think about the personal branding…
