From the course: Creating a Responsive Web Design

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Styling the footer

Styling the footer

- So now we're going to style our footer element. So if I scroll down here, we can see that we have our copyright symbol and we have two hyperlinks inside of here. So let's go back to our CSS. Let's add a few lines. I'll add a CSS comment here called footer. Then the first thing we'll do is target the main footer element. Let's come in here and set the font size to .8em So this is 80% of or 20% smaller than the base font size. Next, we'll set a margin to 40px on all four sides. And next we'll set the color to a little bit of a lighter gray. So #, and 9 for red, green, and blue. Next we'll target the div element inside of the footer. If we go back to the HTML, and scroll down, we added a div with a class of content inside of here as well. So here we'll type footer space .content Put in our brackets. What we're going to do here, is we're going to set a display type of inline. So this is the default display type for anchor links and span elements, and what this basically does, is allows…
